Your business has a life of its own - but we don't have to tell you that - you live it every day!
Our business advisors have years of experience studying and working with businesses like yours. Whether yours is a start-up or a mature business, our expert guidance can help you make the most of your business' potential. Your business may have a service or product gap that you know you need to fill, or maybe you are preparing to sell your business, or you need an expert to review your business strategy to help you grow. We're here to help you with the business life cycle stage you're at: start-up and survival, growth and expansion, growth and maturity, or transfer and control.
Startup & Survival In this business life cycle stage, your business exhibits these characteristics:
- Owner/operator fulfills multiple roles in the organization
- Limited or no employees
- High business expenses
- Limited income
- Slow sales volume
- Beginning to find a niche for your product or service
- Limited competition
Does this sound like you?
Then you may be interested in the following services and products:
- Basic business group life insurance
- Business loan protection
- Business continuation plan
- Stock options
Get started with a complimentary business assessment.
Let's talk: 940-391-5336
GROWTH & EXPANSION In this business life cycle stage, your business exhibits these characteristics:
- Beginning to achieve economies of scale
- Increasing client base
- Growth in the number of employees and definition of job roles. Reduced business expenses
- Increasing profitability
- Increasing competition
Does this sound like your business?
These services and products are a good fit:
- Key Management Insurance
- Salary Continuity Plans
- Exec Carve-out Plans
- Profit Sharing/401 K Plans
- Group Medical Plans
Get started with a complimentary business assessment.
Let's talk: 940-391-5336
GROWTH & MATURITY In this business life cycle stage, your business exhibits these characteristics:
- Continued cost reduction as production volumes and experience levels increase productivity
- Moving towards peak sales volume and marketing saturation level
- Increasing competition
- Pricing pressure due to competition
- Growth of brand recognition and market differentiation
- Decreased market profitability
Does this sound like your business?
These services and products are a good fit:
- Executive Bonus Plans
- Selective Incentive Plans
- Split-Dollar Plans
Get started with a complimentary business assessment.
Let's talk: 940-391-5336
TRANSFER OF CONTROL In this business life cycle stage, your business exhibits these characteristics:
- Optimizing costs becomes increasingly difficult
- Declining or stabilizing sales volume
- Diminishing prices and profitability
- Challenged to increase profitability efficiencies
Does this sound like your business?
These services and products are a good fit:
- Business Continuity Planning
- Business Exit Planning
- Merger, Acquisition, or Going Public
- Advanced Estate Planning